Here is The Art of War strategy for persuading people by saying, "What people want to hear."
Let me share a real story of how to get your message through by saying learning to say the right words that people want to hear.
Humans, in general, are delusional. They hear what is aligned with their thinking.
Here is a real story of a famous scholar interviewed for a job. The position was to be one of the advisors to the King.
You will see why you have to say what people want to hear.
Dating back to approximately 300 BC, during the reign of King Xiao in the Qin State in ancient China.
At that time, he was looking to hire talented people to serve.
The scholar Shang Yang sought an audience with the king.
During their first meeting, he discussed "How to Be a Good Emperor." However, King Xiao fell asleep during the conversation.
Fortunately, Shang Yang was granted another opportunity. In the second meeting, he spoke on the topic "How to Be a Benevolent Ruler."
Yet again, King Xiao showed little interest.
Determined to engage the king, Shang Yang requested a third meeting and chose to change his topic to "How to Be a Powerful Conqueror."
This time, the king listened attentively.
King Xiao and Shang Yang discussed for hours how to strengthen the country through legal and military reforms.
In the end, Shang Yang was hired.
Shang Yang eventually became the Prime Minister of the Qin State.
The moral of the story is that even if you have good intentions, it's important to understand the other person's situation and needs. People often focus on their own problems and look for solutions.
When you adjust your message to what the other person wants to hear, they are more likely to listen to your ideas. This means you should listen to their interests and preferences so you can talk about things that matter to them.
You can also steer the conversation to make it more open and engaging. This might involve finding common ground, sharing relatable examples, or asking questions that encourage them to share their thoughts. By creating an atmosphere of understanding, you increase the chances of being heard and appreciated.
Make sure to approach the other person at a time when they are open to your suggestions.
You need The Art Of War strategy to win.
Your answer is found in the Art Of War.
In The Art Of War, Sun Tzu says,
To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; Supreme excellence is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Fighting and conquering takes a lot of hard work, energy, and resources. There are better ways to win your battle. teaches you the strategy to win in life, career, and business.