Jiang Ziya Six Secret Teachings on Building Wealth
Why Money is POWER?
Wise men of the past understand why money is power. 3,000 years ago, the importance of wealth was emphasized.
The ancient Chinese legendary sage Jiang Ziya, who wrote the "Six Secret Teachings" and was the advisor to the founder of the Zhou Dynasty, said,
The ruler must strive to make his state rich. Without affluence, you cannot practice benevolent rule; without benevolent rule, you cannot unite the clansmen.
If you alienate your clansmen, you will suffer, and if you lose your own people, you will fail.
The emperors of ancient times profoundly understood the influence that riches and wealth could wield over their reign and the prosperity of their empire. They recognized that wealth was not merely a symbol of opulence but a tool that gave one authority and control over his people.
Surrounding themselves with wise men and astute advisors, these emperors were constantly urged to pursue greater wealth and affluence. The counsel they received emphasized the importance of expanding their kingdom's boundaries and fostering economic growth as essential strategies to amass riches and strengthen their rule.
By heeding the guidance of their trusted advisors, the emperors embarked on ambitious endeavors to enhance their wealth through trade, conquest, and strategic alliances. They understood that wealth was not merely a measure of material possessions but a means to exert influence, ensure stability, and elevate their standing among other rulers.
How Does the Power of Money Apply to Our Lives in Today's World?
The Art of War illustrates the competitive nature of our world. Sun Tzu suggests living a simple life while emphasizing the importance of seeking greater wealth to remain competitive and gain control over one’s life, career, and business.
Instead of settling for what we have, we should aim to increase our income. Having more financial resources provides us with security and enables us to invest in our skills and personal development.
This enriches our knowledge and opens up new opportunities for career progression and business expansion.
Having money also acts as a safeguard against unexpected challenges and setbacks.
By finding a balance between simplicity and ambition, we can achieve success and manage better in a competitive environment.