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Art Of War by Sun Tzu - Strategic Thinking VS Tactical Thinking

Art Of War by Sun Tzu - Strategic Thinking VS Tactical Thinking

According to the Art Of War by Sun Tzu, for success in business operations, you need strategic thinking & tactical thinking.

Let discuss...

Let's start with a quote from,

Sun Tzu Art Of War on applying strategy and tactics.

All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but none can see how the strategy shapes the victory.

You use tactics in war operations when engaging in battle with your enemy. This also applies to business operations.

Before you engage in any war operations, you work on the strategy. If you are running a business, you plan and strategize as a leader with your partners and directors as a team.

What Is Strategic Thinking?

Strategic thinking is the process of how to achieve your goals with a given budget or given resources you have based on the dynamic situation.

Hard work, persistence, and teamwork are required for success. However, one cannot achieve success without strategic thinking.

Strategic thinking requires you to look at

  1. The environment. This is an element you have no control over: the economic situation, social opinions, and market trends. As part of the strategic thinking, you must be aware of and work around the situation.

  2. Your resources. By gathering all your resources, you can plan how to achieve your goals. For example, your working capital, human resources, equipment, and tools needed for the business operations.

  3. Your purpose. The core of strategic thinking begins with your purpose. The big "WHY." This will give you the strength, motivation, drive, and resilience to work towards your goal.

  4. Management process. This does not only apply to big and medium businesses but also solopreneurs. Before any tactical operations, you must have your work process in place—your logistics, workflow, and communication process.

Always remember, Strategic Thinking always comes first. Then comes Tactical Thinking.

Here is another wise quote from

Sun Tzu Art OF War on Why Strategy First?

The victorious warrior wins first and then goes to war. Meanwhile, the defeated warrior goes to war first and seeks to win.

We should always prepare and develop our strategy for achieving our goals. Then we go out and conquer.

Instead of entering into a business and then figuring out how to win.

What is Tactical Thinking?

Strategy and tactics are interrelated. While strategic thinking looks at the bigger picture, tactical thinking looks at the fine details to win.

Tactical battle looks into the operations of getting the goals achieved.

In the tactical realm, the focus is on implementing strategies through precise actions. Tactical thinking demands a keen awareness of the current environment, including the strengths and weaknesses of both one’s own position and those of competitors or adversaries.

It involves a comprehensive understanding of your available resources, your weaknesses, and the potential risks associated with various courses of action. This level of analysis is crucial for devising practical solutions that lead to success in achieving specific goals.

How To Apply Tactical Thinking?

Tactical thinking applies not only to military applications. It applies equally to diverse fields such as business, sports, and everyday life.

In business, for instance, tactical thinking might involve developing marketing campaigns targeting specific demographics or optimizing supply chain processes to boost efficiency.

In sports, it could relate to the specific plays or formations a coach uses to outmaneuver the opposing team during a game.

Ultimately, tactical thinking is about executing the finer details that contribute to the success of achieving one's goal.

You can say that tactical thinking is a discipline that complements strategic thinking.

In The Art Of War: Strategic Thinking VS Tactical Thinking is Needed.

You need both strategic and tactical thinking to be successful.

In The Art Of War Sun Tzu says

He wins his battle by making no mistakes. Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated.

You need to apply strategic thinking and tactical thinking to win in your business and life battles.

Strategic thinking involves long-term planning to achieve broader objectives, requiring an understanding of political, social, and economic factors. It enables leaders to set goals and align actions with their vision.

Tactical thinking focuses on executing specific actions, demanding agility, quick decisions, and adaptability to unforeseen circumstances. Success depends on responding effectively to real-time dynamics, blending strategic foresight with tactical agility for conflict resolution.

Mastering the Art of War requires broad and deep thinking, analyzing situations from various perspectives, and considering immediate and long-term consequences.

It involves continuous learning and adaptation to changing conflict landscapes.

The Art of War's principles extend to business, personal growth, and the art of negotiation, enhancing decision-making, strategic planning, and competitive navigation.

Embrace the wisdom of the Art Of War to refine your approach to challenges and stay ahead in pursuing your goals.

You need a strategy to win.

In The Art Of War, Sun Tzu says,

To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; Supreme excellence is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

You do not need to fight; teaches you the strategy to win in life, career, and business.

Art Of War by Sun Tzu - Strategic Thinking VS Tactical Thinking


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