Do not force or pressure yourself to come up with an answer. Whether you are looking for a business opportunity or the right career path, your success relies not just on skills and resources but also on opportunities.
Here is a wise word from The Art Of War by Sun Tzu,
Good fighters of the past first put themselves in an invincible position and then waited for the opportunity to be victorious when the enemy was vulnerable.
A strong defense against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating is provided by the enemy himself.
When seeking a business opportunity or a career path, first put yourself in an invincible position first by choosing something you are familiar with and skilled at. Finding the right fit can lead to a fulfilling and successful future.
Strengthen your position by focusing on continuous learning and personal development, as this will not only boost your marketability but also help you identify opportunities that others may overlook.
As you build your skills and strengthen your knowledge, you'll gain clarity on your strengths and what you truly enjoy.
This self-discovery process is essential, as success lies not just in any opportunity but in the right one that aligns with your passions and abilities. By actively improving yourself and being patient, you’ll be better positioned to recognize and seize the opportunities that arise.
Sun Tzu says,
He who will win who prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
Ultimately, the more you invest in your growth, the stronger you get and the better position you are to take on opportunities that will come your way.
Don't force and pressure yourself for answers.