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Sun Tzu Art War Leadership: How To Gain Loyalty As A Leader?

Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership:  How do you gain loyalty
Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: How Do You Gain Loyalty?

Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership

In Sun Tzu Art Of War leadership qualities or style, Sun Tzu strongly advocates that the leader must first gain loyalty from his team before they can lead.

Loyalty comes with a price.

Anybody will be loyal only when there is something to gain.

Every human has a self-interest. Naturally, people are loyal to a person, a company, or a group when they have something to gain. 

A person's loyalty can come in many forms. It can be money, 

For example, some people consider money their highest form of loyalty. 

When paid a very high salary, they will be loyal. 

They will want to keep their job and not leave. 

It can also be Security, Recognition, Fame, Honor, a Relationship, Something to fight for, or anything worthy of loyalty. 

How do you gain loyalty as a leader from a person or group?

Assuming you are a leader in a company, and you want to gain the loyalty of your team. 

Here is how you can gain loyalty.

The first is to know your team. Identify what your team wants so that they will be loyal to you. 

Is it a big salary? Or a stable, solid company that provides the team with a sense of security?

You must identify what makes your team loyal. 

Once you know what it takes for them to be loyal…

Next is to convince the team that you can fulfill their needs. 

Here are the steps to convince your team,

  1. Assurance. This is done by assuring them you will fulfill their particular self-interest.

  2. Confidence. Show your team that you have the wisdom, skill, and capability to be their leader and that you can fulfill their goals.

  3. Trust. Your team must believe that you will fulfill your promises. And you keep to your word.

Once you have earned their loyalty, you must maintain their loyalty.

It would be best if you continuously worked to keep the loyalty of your team. 

Loyalty requires maintenance, constant assurance, and

keeping your promises. 

In Sun Tzu Art Of War leadership quotes,

Secure the loyalty of your army first before disciplining them, or else they will not be submissive.

This serves as a reminder for leaders in all industries: gaining loyalty is not an optional endeavor but a fundamental prerequisite for effective leadership and successful outcomes.

By securing the loyalty of their followers, leaders can ensure a more harmonious and productive environment where discipline can be administered in a manner that is constructive and embraced rather than resisted.

That is the Sun Tzu Art Of War for Leadership in Gaining Loyalty.


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