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Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: How Do You Gain Respect

Sun Tzu Art Of War leadership places great emphasis on gaining respect from your team and on the leadership qualities of a leader in order to lead and win battles. A war strategy without good leadership does not guarantee victory. For example, in business, the first step is to gain respect.
Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: Command Respect

Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership method

In his book The Art of War, Sun Tzu states that a leader must gain respect before leading a team.

If you want to gain respect. It has a lot to do with 2 factors.

1. Your self image. People judge you by your appearance. There is no such thing as being yourself. As a leader, you have to communicate your leader's self-image.

To gain respect, you must be careful about how you talk, your body language, your facial expressions, and your dress. 

2. Your actions, attitude, and behavior. Gaining respect is an effort. You have to take action and be involved in activities that make people respect you. Meet your followers, spend time with them, and show interest, concern, and empathy. That is how respect is earned.


Following Sun Tzu Art Of War leadership qualities, here is how you can gain respect. 

1. Always stay calm. Do not react right away under any circumstances. Keep calm and talk slowly. You will appear in control. If the leader panics, his followers will also panic. If the leader is calm, his followers will be calm.

2. Don't talk too much. Talking too much will reveal your flaws—no small talk. Don't be long-winded. Get to the point.

3. Stop your bitching, moaning, and whining. Especially not in front of your followers. It shows you cannot control your emotions. People don't like complaints. People want to hear solutions.

4. Always walk the talk. If you say, you better do. Don't just talk. Keep to your word. That's how you earn your respect.

5. Be generous. Give more than you take. Be charitable. Be helpful. Be useful. Then you will earn your respect.

6. Never lose your temper. Losing your temper in any situation means you have displayed your weakness. You could not control your emotions. For example, you may scold or get angry, but you must maintain calm and not lose your temper. 

Sun Tzu quotes on leadership, Chapter 9 "The Army on The March",

If his men obey the general's command willingly, there is mutual respect.

You want respect; you have to treat people with respect.

When you are respected, your people, your team, your followers, and your customers will be willing to cooperate with you and go the extra mile for you.

Respect must be earned. A leader's job is to gain his people's trust and confidence.

As Sun Tzu again quotes in Chapter 7, "Maneuvering",

The general receives his commands from the ruler, Only once the general blends in and in harmony with all his officers and soldiers, then can he lead them.

Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: How Do You Gain Respect


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