If you want people to do what you tell them to do, or if you're going to sell your idea or product. You must know how to influence people.
For example, in The Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership, if the ruler wants to go to war, he must influence his ministers and army to agree to get their full support and cooperation.
If the ruler's men disagree, they will not support the cause, disobey, and not put in their best effort.
To influence people, you must first focus on the person or people you want to influence.
Put yourself in their shoes. How will they react? What are they thinking? How do they feel? What will they do?
As written in Sun Tzu's Art Of War book,
The victorious strategist wins first and then goes to war, while the defeated strategists go to war first and then seek to win.
Sun Tzu would first study and understand the other person first and then strategize to influence them.
You will be able to influence them because you already understand them.
The problem is that most people tend to focus on themselves. They think about what they want to say and share. It's all about me, me, me.
Especially on today's social media, there is a lot of focus on being yourself, being unique, the importance of self-care, and speaking of what you believe.
If you want to influence people, you must put yourself in their shoes.
Let me give you an example,
Say a person goes for a job interview. He shows all his talents, experience, and success he has done and achieved.
But somehow, this person did not get the job.
What if he changes his approach?
Instead of trying to sell himself, he focuses on the person he influences.
What do they want? What are they looking for? How can I solve their problem, and what can he do to help them?
The art of influencing requires you to know yourself and the person you want to influence.
Always focus first on the other person. The more you understand the other person, the more you can influence.
It shows the person you are trying to influence that you are concerned and care. You will then be able to influence the other person.
That is the foundation of the Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership in the Art Of Influenceing and Negotiation.