Sun Tzu's Art Of War Philosophy: 1st, Know Your Enemy & Next, Deal with these Jealous People.
In life, it is essential to know your friends who will encourage you, support you, and even advise you.
As for enemies, Sun Tzu placed importance on knowing your enemy. It is important to know your enemy. Unaware of their intentions, they may sabotage your journey toward your life, career, and business goals.
Jealous people are your enemy. Sun Tzu, in his Art Of War Book, quoted,
In the art of war, always be prepared for the enemy coming. Never assume he will not come. Never presume he will not attack. Make our position unassailable.
If you want to be successful and have a smooth business, career, and life. You must know how to deal with jealous people. Learn the Sun Tzu Art Of War philosophy.
Watch the end of the video, and I will show you how you can deal with these jealous people.
In the Art of War, jealous people are considered your enemies. They may appear as your friends, colleagues, and anyone you know.
In your journey to success, it is natural to have people who are envious or jealous of you.
You can cancel, block, and mute these jealous people.
However, you cannot ignore some jealous people. Ignoring them does not solve the problem.
How do you deal with jealous people?
First, you must understand them.
Why are people jealous of you?
It could be your success. You may have a fantastic job they wish they had, you may be running a successful business, or you may make more money than them.
Your material possessions include your nice car, beautiful house, nice watch, or fashionable clothes.
You appear happier, more enthusiastic, and more optimistic than them.
Jealous people like to compare and compete. You cannot be better than them.
Sometimes, you do not need to be more prosperous, better, or successful than these jealous people.
Because you are progressing, they will become jealous.
They are afraid you will eventually become a competitor. That is illogical, but there are people like that.
Jealous people have anxiety, insecurity, and low self-esteem issues.
Some might not realize it and may hate you without understanding that they are acting out of jealousy.
Some might know they're jealous and do not know how to change.
And some people don't care that they are jealous and are hateful people.
Are these jealous people harmful to you?
Yes, jealous people can be harmful. The jealous person may,
Give negative comments. They make you feel small. They devalue you.
Mislead you. They tell you lies and give you wrong or incomplete information.
They want to ensure you make mistakes and prevent you from progressing.
Sabotage is an indirect way of creating problems and damaging your career, business, or reputation. It involves spreading rumors and lies and getting people to oppose you.
Aggression. Jealous people may verbally or physically abuse you. In some extreme cases, they may harm you physically.
There are many reasons why they are jealous of you. All the reasons are illogical and based based on their emotions.
How do you deal with these jealous people?
It depends on the situation. The first step is to find out the root cause of their jealousy.
You must try to analyze the person. What triggers this person to be jealous? Is it the sports car you drive? Is it the way you talk?
Next, analyze how you can diffuse or soften their jealousy.
I leave you with Sun Tzu’s wise words,
"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will not have to worry about the results of a hundred battles."
You need a strategy to win.
Your answer is found in the Art Of War.
In The Art Of War, Sun Tzu says,
To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; Supreme excellence is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Fighting and conquering takes a lot of hard work, energy, and resources. There are better ways to win your battle.
MrArtOfWar.com teaches you the strategy to win in life, career, and business.