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The Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: Success Comes From Heaven & Earth

The Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: Success Comes From Heaven & Earth
Art Of War Victory Depends On ...

Based on Sun Tzu Art Of War leadership, your success or failure, life or death, depends on two factors in the Sun Tzu Art Of War: 5 heavenly factors or laws that need to be studied.

Even if you are a military genius or follow every strategy in Sun Tzu's Art of War book, you will never succeed if you do not consider two factors.

The two Art Of War factors are the "Heaven" and the "Earth" elements.

In his 13 chapters/principles of the Art of War, Sun Tzu mentions the importance of these two elements throughout the book.

"Heaven" refers to the weather (hot and cold, spring, summer, autumn, and winter) and elements we cannot control, such as the economic situation, social sentiments, and political situation.

"Earth" refers to the terrain or ground. It also refers to the location, far and near, narrow and open, safe and dangerous.

A general must study the two elements carefully before making his plans.

The same goes for your business, career, and life. No matter how intelligent you are, if the heavens are not in your favor, you must adapt, change, or wait for the right weather.

If the road or "earth" you are taking is long and rough, you might want to look for a smoother route or devise a better management strategy.

As Sun Tzu says,

One should modify one's plan according to favorable circumstances.

And Jiang Ziya mentioned,

The life of all things depends on the changes of heaven and earth. Therefore, if a man fights without understanding the situation of war, he is bound to fail even if he has a larger army.

The Sun Tzu Art Of War Leadership: Success Comes From Heaven & Earth


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